The EkoTekNord Network is a cooperation of 13 higher education institutes (HEI) from the Nordic and Baltic countries.
The aims of the EkoTekNord network is to increase mobility and cooperation between the participating HEIs in Nordic and Baltic countries through the promotion and support of student and teacher exchanges within business, technology, communication & media as well as entrepreneurship and innovation.

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution
Kristiania University College
University of Skövde
Åland islands
Åland University of Applied Sciences
Network activities
The very core of the collaboration is student, teacher and staff mobility between partner institutions. Student mobility includes long-term mobility (one or two full semesters) and short-term mobility (one or two weeks).
The network is also active in organizing Intensive Courses where both students and teachers gain important international experiences.
The network also organises regular network and development meetings both online and in the partner countries. Most institutions have allocated contact persons from the administrative and academic staff members.
Teacher and staff mobility
Long-term and short-term student mobility
Intensive Programs
International cooperation

For students
Students in EkoTekNord partner organisations have an opportunity to participate in international student mobility between the partner institutions. The mobility periods vary from one week to full academic year.
Also international traineeships are possible as well as participation to Intensive programs that typically combine virtual and in-person study in an international setting.
Express mobility can be shorter term mobility e.g. study trip or a summer school participation.
Student Mobility Funding
Grant: 250 € / month
Travel grant: 330 €/travel in the programme countries (exceptions: 660 €/ Iceland and the Faroe Islands and 1300 €/ Greenland)
Express Mobility Funding
5 days is the minimum duration for Student Express Mobility. Grants: 50 €/day or 250 €/week (5-7 working days)
Travel grant: 330 €/travel in the programme countries (exceptions: 660 €/ Iceland and the Faroe Islands and 1300 €/ Greenland)

For teachers
Teachers within the network have a possibility to participate in international mobility between the EkoTekNord partners institutions. The network has also been active in organizing Intensive Programs which create a great opportunity for teacher to hone their teaching skills in an international setting.
Teacher / mentor Mobility Funding
100 €/day (1-4 working days)
500 €/week (5-7 working days)
Travel grant: 330 €/travel in the programme countries (exceptions: 660 €/ Iceland and the Faroe Islands and 1300 €/ Greenland).
Intensive Course Funding
Nordplus Higher Education awards grants for
intensive courses lasting between one week (five
working days) and one month. Intensive courses will be applied each year separately and the compensation of the costs is based on the planned budget and unit costs.
Courses may take place during term time or in the summer by
way of short courses, symposiums, master classes or workshops. Intensive courses must include students and academic staff from at least three different countries.
The courses must yield ECTS points and must be recognised as part of the students’ degree. The number of ECTS
points should be stated in the application.
Requirements and documents for the mobilities:
The following rules apply to all student mobility types:
- The studies/work experience placements abroad shall be fully recognised as a part of the degree at the student’s home institution (exception: work placement after graduation).
- ECTS shall be used. Not mandatory for express mobility. In any case, the mobility period must be included in a larger study entity which is a part of the student’s degree.
- The Nordplus exchange is possible from the first year of study at the student’s home institution.
- Generally speaking, the Nordplus student does not pay any fees to the host institution (exception: any fees to student organisations, application fees, tuition fees for third-country students, any course fees).
- The student shall live at his/her place of study; commuting between place of study and ordinary place of residence is not permitted.
- Confirmation of grant award shall be signed before payment is made.
- A learning/training agreement shall be signed before the exchange (Not mandatory for express mobility).
- A final report on the exchange shall be submitted by the student after the exchange has been completed (not mandatory for express mobility).
The following rules apply to Nordplus teacher mobility grants:
- If the grant is paid as an individual scholarship, confirmation of receipt of the scholarship
should be signed before payment - A final report on the exchange must be submitted by the grant holder after the exchange
has been completed.
Templates: Higher education – Nordplus (nordplusonline.org)
Current & Previous IPs (Intensive Projects) + Handbook
IP CHARLO Estonia 2024
Sprint in Porvoo 2023
Nordplus Handbook

Learn More
You can contact your own institution to learn more about the EkoTekNord network and its activities. One institution at a time is coordinating the network and its funds. Please contact the coordinator, if you are representing a partner university and would like to learn on the funding and project possibilities.
Coordinator 2022/2023 project:
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Finland.
Further information: Suvi Ruippo, Coordinator
Coordinator 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 project:
University of Akureyri, Iceland.
Further Information: Rúnar Gunnarsson, Coordinator
This network is part of Nordplus, which is